Wednesday, March 29, 2006

News for Poor Typists


We have one line of html being hosted at a friend's place. This means that henceforth you just need to go to and you'll be referred here.

We're on the map now. Come and get us you bastards at LGF!

Saving all these keystrokes should mean we will all have more time for the better things in life like scratching up soft porn, hard art, political poppycock, and pet peeves.


Tecumseh said...

While at it, you can get this blog via an rss feed, by tyoing:

Mr roT said...

Yeh. That's cool. It doesn't keep up with new comments, though, does it? I want little "NEW!" thingies next to the comment #s.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Talking about thingies, how do I get one of those picture thingies to tag along with me moniker, mate? Ya know, like your fine bottle of Ouzo, or Pepe le Pew's mecca blasphemous iconography?

Mr roT said...

AA, Edit your user profile. You can upload a picture there.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, I'm good with Xbox but lacking with html. Echoing what the Portuguese Dogg said, e-mail me instructions on how to upload a pic. It says "URL"? Does that mean I can upload a jpeg from my hard-drive? Or does that mean the pic has to be somewhere on the internet? ...killtacular.


Tecumseh said...

I'd say, go dig a pic from the internet, and supply the link. Voil`a!

My Frontier Thesis said...

Thanks AI. I googled the Great Infidel, it produced some pics, and after navigating past a photo of arelcao akleos, I found and, as you see, opted for the eighteenth-century variety.

Anonymous said...

bandwidth thievery! fiends!