Monday, March 27, 2006

This Just In!

Moussaoui is no Johnny Cochran


The Darkroom said...

to think he wanted to crash in the WH. Can you imagine cheney prez ? i hope they put this guy and his dangerous ideas away for good.

Mr roT said...

Give Moussaoui a break, man. It wasn't clear back then that Cheney was so triggerhappy that he's shoot at close friends. M and the a-Q guys were probably wanting to show the world how decadent the US is by having the Prez' lesbian daughter show up to WH functions agouinee.

BTW, the Johnny Cochran reference came from a previous discussion where I proposed a Sharia version of "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit."

No takers.

My favorite Sharia couplet was

If you like another fella,
We'll chuck you in a wella.

The Darkroom said...

yeh - can you believe he shot the only republican trial lawyer ?
agouinee is the most wonderful neologism i heard this year. congrats.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, your picture indicates your looks have improved significantly since you've been holed up in the Tribal Lands of Louisiana's Creole Kush.

BTW, I wanted to ask you to provide some photos for the blog if you have some favorites. Not the one with the blonde looking in the Ferrari, please.

Feel free to post in French (I am glad you liked 'agouinee', now I will make a dozen errors in overconfidence). Almost all of us here understand and we could use slang instruction, certainly.

The Darkroom said...

the tribal lands of louisiana do produce some marvels, in part thanks to the lack of education of its public officials. I was treated today to a wonderful license plate that would have never passed censure say, in NY: "CHOCLIT".
I didn't get to see who the driver was, but i can only guess. In any case i am thankful that some children WERE left behind.

Mr roT said...

Some Children's Behinds Left? In Louisiana, where counties are called 'parishes'?
