Tuesday, July 11, 2006

america joins civilization


Tecumseh said...

Bullocks! The Geneva Conventions simply do not apply to non-uniformed combattants, see previous post.

As for "joining civilization", does this entail doing the following kabuki dance?

Soldiers coming upon suspected Al Qaeda members on a battlefield in Afghanistan would have to immediately inform them of their Miranda rights and stop questioning them if they requested a lawyer, he said.

This is totally non-sensical -- the only sense it makes is to the Left, who wants to ties us down like Gulliver, and let the enemies of freedom destroy us. The same long term goal they've had ever since Karlie wrote their Manifesto back in 1848.

The Darkroom said...

>>The Geneva Conventions simply do not apply to non-uniformed combattants

it does now. there is simply no justifiable reason to treat prisonners like the us has, whether they are pow, ennemy combattants, or whatever legal nicety one might invent to facilitate their mistreatment.

Tecumseh said...

Whether we choose to grant Miranda rights or whatnot to enemy combattants cuaght in flagrante without uniform, or not, it's up to us. The Geneva Conventions still do not say that, no matter how many times people with an ax to grind say it. I remain of the opinion that a saboteur or a spy caught without uniform in time of war should be summarily executed, as widely accepted by International Law, including the Geneva Conventions, and by US laws, alike.

Tecumseh said...

In the maentime, more Molotov cocktails from the darlings of the Left. It's all Bush's fault, of course. Yeah, sure.

The Darkroom said...

>>In the maentime, more Molotov cocktails from the darlings of the Left.

ai - argue honestly. You know well these aren't "darlings lf the Left". As far as molotov cocktails go, I made this statement many times and always as compared to the nuclear threat. You on the other hand still have a post-world cup argument pending on why this terror annoyance is a menace to western civ, comparable to that of the ussr (remember the intent/means line of reasoning?).

Tecumseh said...

There are various ways to bring down a civilization -- has happened many times in history, without use of nuclear weapons. Pooh-poohing the existential threat we face is simply hubris.

As the Romans used to say, vanitas, vanitatum, et omnia vanitas.

The Darkroom said...

ai - i know you can do better than that. i was hoping for an argument that would address the specifics of the means of the "enemy".
Is the abstract nature of your statement indicative of an inability to substantiate the notion that we are under threat of extinction?

Tecumseh said...

Existential threat defined.

Tecumseh said...

And here is a demand for surrender. I'm sure the Left would just love to oblige:

Sure, we all understand that pulling out of Iraq is not going to be that easy. But then again, it is not easy to see our sons and daughters lose their lives in this unnecessary war either.

We cannot continue to commit our young boys and girls for an open-ended military occupation of this oil-rich country.

It is time for action. "Withdrawal" means saving lives. It will never constitute "surrender."

On the contrary, withdrawal will be regarded as an act of courage and heroism in the annals of history.

Yeah, sure.

The Darkroom said...

i'm ok with surrender.

>>Usually involves nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.
right - AQ is patently missing in that department.

Look, they have no planes, no tanks, not much more than rudimentary handheld weapons. You guys on the other hand have years of billions upon billions of tax dollars spent on the most sophisticated armament existing. Has this all been a total waste?

Again, where's the beef ? And by that i don't mean they aren't able to blow up something symbolic. What do they have specifically to destroy west civ ?

If you are unable to answer this without resorting to hyperbole, how do you expect anyone to buy into your impending armageddon fantasy?