Saturday, July 15, 2006

Losing it?

Anton Kuruc keeps the score.


Anonymous said...

Am tired and depressed for more than a few reasons, so Mr. Koruc's letter was not the medicine needed....
Have just returned from the east coast, and saw your e-mails AI. As it turned out, the trip was fundamentally derailed when Cassandra, who came with me to my sister's home near Syracuse, had to undergo further emergency surgery for complications from the earlier burst appendix [bowel obstructions and such] hospitals, and seeing more of medicine than I ever wanted, consumed all time and energy [and finances!].
Now good sleep and wine are much needed before gearing up for Canada next month..
In the great world a lot has happened, and is happening, eh? Although not all is war and strife, for there is also amore. I suspect, for instance, that when JJ awakens from his ouzo slumbers he'll find "I Love Materazzi" tatooed on his nethers. If he still has nethers for the tatooing.
Take care, y'all. And let me sleep for a day or two, and then back to sifting through and reflecting over the freecounterpoint perspectives on the rot of things.

Arelcao Akleos said...

not quite anonymous, sorry

Tecumseh said...

Good to hear you're back, AA, though a bit worse for the wear and tear. Gotta find yourself a good local doc to take a careful look at the girl's bowels, and prescribe some course of action. Waiting for such stressful moments as trips (well, I know, things do happen then) is not the best. Sometimes simple things such as small changes in diet can help.

As for the big bad world out there -- yes, things are getting nastier, with lots of head-butting going around. Various people have various ways to cope with that -- some go into an ouzo-induced slumber, others blame it all on the wicked West and wish us to fail so that we can win (!?).

So let's get our heads unstuck from our butts, and try to see a bit more clearly. To start with, can we do anything to improve the score that Mr. Kocuc recorded?

Arelcao Akleos said...

That is a serious question, AI. Give me a day or two to clarify what I really think on this.