Sunday, July 16, 2006

Incredible courage?

How about head-butting the sniper, instead? That would take courage (remember Todd Beamer?) But hey, this is the NYT, and in their Alice in the Wonderland world, siding with the enemy is what gets their Profile in Courage award.


The Darkroom said...

>>How about head-butting the sniper, instead? That would take courage

while screaming "let's roll" ? her head would end up being the only thing rolling. that wouldn't be courage - that'd be stupidity.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Because we live in such a fu#ked up world today, it's easy to accept the NYT as doing something like this. Step back 62 years, and imagine the Stateside reaction of a NYT photo-journalist who had sent pics back of Nazi snipers taking shots at the Allies.

Looking at this from another standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if this Islamo-fascist's newspaper photo is now on every Marine snipers barrack's wall.

Tecumseh said...

while screaming "let's roll" ? her head would end up being the only thing rolling. that wouldn't be courage - that'd be stupidity.

First of all, the photographer was a he, not a she. At least, that's what Joao Silva sounds to me. (Michelle McNally is simply the in-house jihadi groupie at the NYT, who merely swoons over the manliness of it all.)

Second, this guy Silva -- who, incidentally, is from Portugal -- really likes the Mahdi Army. There is no thought of head-butting the snipers. From the way he writes about them, he would rather give them some testa, if you catch my drift:

In the Company of God is a photographic compilation that portrays Iraqi Shi'a Muslims in a period of occupation and transition. This photographic body of work, recorded over twelve months, richly captures the Shi'as' intense commitment to their faith and their indomitable spirit of sacrifice.

Joao (and the NYT) know who the good guys are. Hint: it's not the Ricains.

The Darkroom said...

>>Hint: it's not the Ricains

right - besides the ricains, who thinks the ricains are the good guys in this sad story?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Joao Silva was a member of the Portuguese communist party who, after 911, converted to Islam--at least that is the assertion of the mosque in Lisbon. His loyalties are clear, and if they were not he would not have been assigned to such a task. The Gray Lady likes its biatches correct.
As for "this sad story" if the Al-Qaeda--Hussein cooperatives, and the Sadr-Qom Militia, don't just smell of being the Good Guys then you musta bought your olfacts from, the Bush Cabal-leero, fo sho.

Tecumseh said...

So what led to Silva's switch? Moving to the strong horse?

The Darkroom said...

>>As for "this sad story" if the Al-Qaeda--Hussein cooperatives, and the Sadr-Qom Militia, don't just smell of being the Good Guys then you musta bought your olfacts from, the Bush Cabal-leero, fo sho.

my point is that it is only in John Ford/John Wayne movies that fighting the bad guys makes you a good one.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I don't know what led to his switch, but it seems, than in Portugal at least, most men joining up with Islam come out of the strong left wing [communist, socialists who found to democratic for their tastes, the Saramago crowd]. There was a particular surge in "new muslims" after 911, and there have been smaller such surges after further successful muslim attacks. A consequence of this, interesting in its own right, is the creation of a faction within Portugal claiming East Timor should not have been granted its liberty from Indonesia...which, as you may imagine, was not exactly a common thought before 911 made fear of Islam a "respectable" motive force in politics

Tecumseh said...

So let me see if I understand this phenomenon -- it's rather new for me. You saying, now with the Red Star off from the top of the Kremlin, the hard Lefties -- those who really loath Western Civilization, and would do anything in their power to see it destroyed -- are moving to the Green Crescent, not for any intrinsic ideological reasons, but just as the most implcable for of Western Civ? This has crossed my mind before, but I still haven't seen the phenomenon analyzed in any depth before. Now that we have a proof by existence in this guy Silva, it may be worth studying the type better -- it may give a better insight into this alliance of convenience between what at first glance appears as two diametrically opposed extremes.

Tecumseh said...

As for "John Wayne" comment above: first of all, only in the Rive Gauche lexicon is that a word of derision -- I for one still admire the Duke (the real one, that is, not the one who rode in the tank). And second, the point was not so much whether Silva should have rushed the bastard sniping at our boys. But rather, as I said, that would have been a sign of real courage, not sitting there and kissing the sniper's butt, and raving about it. But I don't expect the NYT (or its devotees) to see the moral point involved in this.

Tecumseh said...

Another take on this, from the Gun Toting Liberal:

Perhaps I fell as I do because of my status as an OIF Veteran, but I cannot even fathom an American standing by, watching an enemy murder an American soldier without trying to stop it, much less attempting to capitalize on it. It’s too bad the photographer survived this “session”. When I saw the picture, I immediately had a mental immage of the terrorist swinging the gun around to aim it at the photographer. Too bad that isn’t how it went down, in my opinion.

The Darkroom said...

>>the hard Lefties -- those who really loath Western Civilization, and would do anything in their power to see it destroyed

allah'o michael moore ! Tom hayden/osama, same struggle, same fight. you are delirious.

>>As for "John Wayne" comment above: first of all, only in the Rive Gauche lexicon is that a word of derision

i submit instead that only in some parts of the american psyche is this self-righteous manichean character anything more than a preposterous clown. Indeed I fail to see in which culture he would resonate. Save the aussies perhaps.

The Darkroom said...

Are you familiar with Superdupont ? He is the french replica of john wayne, save for the fact that he is "au 2eme degre" - a character of derision.

Tecumseh said...

When talking about hard Left, I wasn't thinking about Michael Moore -- he's just a bufoon. (And Tom Hayden is just the ex of Mrs. Turner, isn't that his claim to fame?) Rather, I was thinking of the card-carrying Party members, who would send the blueprints of the A-bomb to Stalin, so he could bomb the US (and them) for the greater glory of les lendemains qui chantent. Update this impulse of self-destruction to the present, and you'll see what I mean.

As for the French caricature of the actor who personifies American courage and honor (especially in time of war), well, that's oh so French. What do you expect after June 1940 and Dien Bien Phu, but this kind of attitude?

The Darkroom said...

>>American courage and honor
there you go again. man you gotta cut this out - it's just too silly.

Tecumseh said...

Just go look at the cemetery near Omaha Beach, in Normandie, at the tombs of brave Americans who gave their lives to liberate France. I was there a few years ago - quite impressive.

By the way, John Wayne played one of the Rangers climbing the Pointe du Hoc, while the Germans were raining steel and fire down on the beaches. Oh well, it's much easier to have collaborated with les Boches and snicker at the dumb Ricains for their sacrifice...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe is being true to France. After all, it has been many many years since courage was other than a silly notion to a Frenchman [and, no, neither Camus nor St. Exupery were really Frenchmen. Besides, they be dead long time now]

The Darkroom said...

Camus & St Ex weren't French ? no more ouzo for you

The Darkroom said...

Just go look at the cemetery near Omaha Beach, in Normandie, at the tombs of brave Americans who gave their lives to liberate France. I was there a few years ago - quite impressive.

Correct me if i am wrong but i was alway under the impression that there was tremendous resistance on the part of the american public to join the european front and that it really only happened once hitler stupidly declared war on the usa.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, the Americans were reluctant to go fight yet another war in Europe, only 20 years after having come to the rescue of France and England. So why should they cross the ocean, and fight and die, when the French would not stop Hitler when he started rearming, and broke the Versailles accords, only to engage in a phoney war after that, and surrender 2 or 3 weeks after the Germans got serious about it? The chutzpah of the French knows no bounds!

The Darkroom said...

I was reacting to your depiction of selfless americans laying their lives on the normandy beaches for the sole purpose of liberating france.