Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pace Homo, Heads Up!

What, yer saying Rousseau was just another wrong Frenchman?


Tecumseh said...

Do you remember that fabulously preserved 5,000-year-old man they found in a glacier in 1991? He had one of those copper axes the experts assured us were an early unit of currency. Unfortunately for this theory, he had it hafted in a manner that suggested he wasn't asking, "Can you break a twenty?" "He also had with him," notes professor Keeley, "a dagger, a bow, and some arrows; presumably these were his small change." Nonetheless, anthropologists concluded that he was a shepherd who had fallen asleep and frozen peacefully to death in a snowstorm. Then the X-ray results came back and showed he had an arrowhead in him.

Mais non, mais non, voyons voir, he just fell on the arrowhead as he was going to sleep peacefully.

The Darkroom said...

It's comforting to hear that americans today are no worse than the iroquois were.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It is comforting to hear that the French take on the same delight in egging on murders of americans as they did in the time of the Iroquois

The Darkroom said...

you have it all wrong aa. we love peaceful americans. as for the others, it's what goes around.

Arelcao Akleos said...

since americans rest in peace in only one way, pepe, it's best not to dig too deeply into why the French love their Yanks that way.

The Darkroom said...

dig away, my friend

The Darkroom said...

since americans rest in peace in only one way

i am curious as to what this statement actually means.