Monday, July 31, 2006

Hitchens: Jew-hatred ghosts in Mel's closet

We know the Arabic world isn't too keen on the Torah. Gibson revealed his true colors, and this is what Hitchens had to say...


Arelcao Akleos said...

As far as the film goes, "Passion of the Christ", I think Hitchens is wrong. That is, just because Mel gets drunk and shows us his dislike for Jews doesn't mean the film is not a worthwhile artistic effort, nor that the depiction of Jews in that movie shows evil intent. If anything, I was struck by just how deeply Jewish Mel's version of Christ was--by far the most clearly so of any I've seen. And we may presume Mel is a Christer?

Tecumseh said...

I meant to see the movie, but got scared by the reviews, that said it was so bloody and stuff. Not sure I have the stomach for it...

Tecumseh said...

As for Mel, clearly he is a drunkard, even in worse shape that Kennedy Jr. Methhinks he should just retire, and nurse that bottle in seclusion.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Never saw Passion of the Christ. With all the hoopla surrounding it, I responded by developing a knee-jerk reaction in that I simply wanted nothing to do with it. I'm not going to comment on the film itself, just Gibson's behavior.

What we do know about Mel is that he's got some real demons (anti-semetic ones at that) to contend with.

Hitchens knows that he himself becomes more lucid with every sip of scotch: that's when his prose really comes through. By this analogy, Hitchens makes his own personal experience a truism for Gibson. To be honest, and without commenting on the Passion, I think Hitchens might be on to Gibson's anti-semetism; and Gibson seems to become an absolutist when inebriated (eg, "the Jews are responsible for everything!").

Tecumseh said...

A counterpoint from an L.A. cop.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, this portion of Jack's commentary is bullshit: "...there you have it, life in America in 2006, and for the moment Mel Gibson’s encounter with a deputy from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is The Story. Tel Aviv could be in flames and I’m not sure it would push Gibson’s sordid little tale off the front pages."

Muslims are the most anti-semetic in the world (worse than Gibson). I was waiting for a Conservative to make this kind of comparison. All I see on CNN and FOX is coverage of the Hezbollah shenanigans. WTF is Jack talking about? And always be suspicious of cops.