Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mothballs: "unsteady gait," and "mental sluggishness"

While AA keeps us up to date on the longue dureé of Islamic jihad and Islamo-fascism (Going Strong Since 635AD!), I wanted to bring paradichlorobenzene abuse to the fore. Yes, we have four documented cases, as Shafer says, dating back to 1961, 1970, and 1992. Gentlemen: it's not the fall of Constantinople, nor the Jihad of Charlemange's day, nor the destruction of Marine barracks in Beirut, nor the hacking to death of Theo van Goegh, nor Jefferson sending Decatur to neutralize Barbary Pirates, nor September 11. We need not worry about any of this.

It's a good thing journalists are giving so much coverage to what really matters: huffing and ingesting mothballs.

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

The French (well, OK, two French girls) are eating mothballs? Maybe this beats snails, but what are you supposed to wash them down with? Perhaps a Chateauneuf-du-pape would do?