Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ursus Major Gets Grizzly Prime-Evil

To all you PETA arsebags, take care to note the contents of this Grizzly's gut after the Alaskan applied the proper NRA solution to Brother Bear's diet problem. I do not think a dog and a 6 inch blade would have done the trick in this case.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Excerpt: Just imagine an animal of these proportions charging straight at you with nothing but hate and destruction in its very being.

Is this a hate crime then? I didn't know bears were capable of "hate." I thought they were hard-wired for eating squishy human morsals?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA: while the grizzlies are hating (clearly, this isn't another human attempt to ascribe anthropomorphic qualities to the natural world?), the elephants are painting.