Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bobcat SOLD to South Korea...

Bobcat Co. has its roots in the state, and has been acquired twice since its local inception 60 years ago: The company, known for its skid-steer loaders, was owned by the Melroe family in Bismarck, who sold it to Clark Equipment in 1969. In 1995, Ingersoll-Rand bought it from Clark...

In fact, Kemmitz said the labor contract was set to expire when Ingersoll-Rand, based in Bermuda, had first purchased the company in 1995. But Ingersoll-Rand made few changes, Kemmitz said.

"There's a lot of things going for everybody for it to stay,"Kemmitz said. "The work force is well-trained and very efficient. The wages are not out of line with anything in North Dakota, and are especially competitive globally."

See the comments below once you get to the link. I posted under the pseudonym, "Aaron." Also: do you guys think it's chickenshit that we post on a blog under pseudonym ourselves? Just a question.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Nah, not chicken shit. We can individually set up blogs where we can declaim our "Universe, I Exist" riffs to the world. Or we can agree to set up a Shiny New Order Of Philosophical Yammering [SNOOPY], or FreeCounterPoint Deux if you prefer, where we abandon our freewheeling insultery and loose cannonery for the sort of consistently civilized discourse that should, but does not, exist in Academia.
However, that said. I ain't no whack jab eurosnobbing Pepean wannabe Versaillian lickspittle of tyranny. So if we take a vote, and the majority wishes to change this particular manifestation of Freecounterpoint from pseudonym to fessupism I ain't gonna stage a coup or nothin'.
After all, it isn't as if there is a noble record of Yanks like Ben Franklin, for example, using a name such as Silence DoGood to keep at bay the hounds of PC of his day.
For me it makes no difference. But for you, MFT, do you really want some future tenure consideration to be at the mercy of the local PPer who had dug into your errant youth?
That said, I do believe all of us know the true names of the others. At least for MFT, JJ, AI, Le Pew, AA. Although am not sure what lesson should draw from that....
Whaddya think?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, I'm certain we've identified one another on this board, so the idea of bringing our own legal names to the blog isn't that big a deal ...maybe I've just been reading too much about how Teddy Roosevelt dealt with matters.

And besides, that was young Franklin's only way into the book club (much to the chagrin of his brother). Perhaps a lesson. Then again, there's also the lessons later on in life (think John Hancock and Co.).

I've worked in a few places where the hard leaning Lefties remark on other employees, saying, "Yeah, they are smart. They get their work done and more. But I think they are Conservative..." and then fail to elaborate as to what they mean by that. I wonder if the Lefties would try to crowd out some alternative worldview, hardworkers be damned. Seems to go against the notion that it takes all different types to make a world.