Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holding the line

Barely. So, what should we do? I have a modest proposal: how about carpet-bombing?

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

A couple senators from North Dakota brought the issue of "Why Haven't We Captured or Killed bin Laden Yet?" up on the Congressional floor not long ago. I think it was Byron Dorgan and Earl Pomeroy, perhaps Kent Conrad too (we only got three -- easier to keep tabs on the sneaky bastards).

This war, of course, will have many set backs. And even when it appears to be "over," it will just be a grace-period before some other Islam Militant gets charged up on Religion and decides to act with suicide bombs (from the lower economic classes to the doctors, as recently carried out in London).

I wonder what the SEAL teams in Pakistan are saying? Those fellahs are pretty cool-headed. I heard the White House amped up funding not long ago to recruit another 500 of these Warriors.