Monday, July 16, 2007

A history of Planet Pepe

The way it was supposed to be, in his imagination.


Arelcao Akleos said...

How much ya wanna bet that book describes a world made safe for Genghis Khan and Suleiman in the same clear eyed way as Pepe describes Mikey Moore's svelte body and sharp mind?
Probably even claims El Versail was built [with a few neato Pepe inspiring haremic touches], and claims credit for a revolution in science by that great alchemist of the Keltic Sultanate, and very Good Muslim, Ishamel Neton.
The vision of Planet Pepe is simplicity itself. First, Kill the Neocons. Second, Burn all Books which accurately record the tracing of history and the substance of reality. Third, scribble empyrean fantasies --in hues red and brown and green-- and so do to Memory what the Lord of PP does to the art of argumentation

Tecumseh said...

The heady combination goes to Pepe's head. Ahem...