Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Loss To Us All, Eh?


Pepe le Pew said...

Bastards stole my idea of denying sex to republicans.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I bumped into a California hippie/vegetarian (maybe vegan) about two weeks ago. I told him I had to leave because there was a raw steak that needed grilling to medium-rare, and a salad to prep to boot. Self-annointed, he told me I was spreading negative karma. I told him not to worry, "I've got entire truckloads of negative karma to spread around, and no one is going to f*cking miss out." His sister was also present. She accused me of propogating "Christian Values" after I told her that the interesting thing about life is when we get right into the friction and maw of it all. I scoffed at her interpretation and told her to actually read some Nietzsche at some point in her fat, vegetable life. The man then told me I had a sort of "Norwegian" ethnic look to me. I turned to my friend and said, "I can't tell whether this asshole is trying to insult me, or whether he's trying to have a conversation." He said, "I'm insulting you." I flipped him the bird. We all roared with laughter, and I left to go prepare my omnivore meal.

My Frontier Thesis said...

No loss, either: vegetarians are great because they don't drive the price of t-bones, ribeyes, and New York strip up.

Pepe le Pew said...

Militant vegetarians are even more annoying than evangelicals: at least the evangelicals on AM radio are entertaining during long car trips.

Sounds like things get heated up pretty easily back in your neck of the woods, mft.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Before parting, though, I told the hippie to be careful as plenty of Dakota cops would arrest him on the spot for just looking the way he did. He laughed. I was somewhat joking, and somewhat serious. I don't really trust cops in general, though.

Tecumseh said...

I like the free-market angle to this story, MFT: Yep, if the vegans drive up the price of tofu, so be it, for all I care.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Let them eat tofu, and we'll have our ribeye, and devour it too!

Note: I don't mind tofu. I eat it from time to time. It's not bad in miso soup. Strict Tofu Eaters, however, militantly object to my omnivore diet. That's the trouble with the Self-Annointed, or the Enlightened Hippie nowadays -- no fucking ability to self-reflect.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I like the free-market angle to this story, MFT: Yep, if the vegans drive up the price of tofu, so be it, for all I care.

Francois Rabelais also used a similar free market argument, I believe in Gargantua and Pantagruel. He loved hearing about new Islamic converts because he thought it'd bring down the price of bacon and pork, which he also loved.

...I don't know how or if he addressed the Militant Kill-Your-Neighbor-If-They-Don't-Think-Exactly-Like-You element. Jihad and Vegetarians are similar in that regard.