Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Genocide is Just Another Way of Saying Planet Pepe Rules

Bloodbaths are so much more enjoyable when one can nuance and sophisticate one'self into not being shocked at all


Pepe le Pew said...

Yup, the US isn't baby-sitting the civil war they helped start through lack of planning and poor leadership: they are in reality preventing a ge-no-cide.

And when they weren't protecting the world from saddam's 17mn London strike any longer, they were really clandestinely out to bring the freedom bells of de-mo-cra-cy to the ayraqis. They just didn't want you to know.

Thank you america for fooling the word into thinking you are fucking up everything you touch while stealthily saving the planet.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Excellent gibberish Le Pew. Ordinary gibberish makes you a writer for The Nation, extraordinary gibberish qualifies you for Daily Kos, but it takes excellent gibberish for you to earn the Ted Kennedy.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Now that you have joined Clinton, Galloway, and Obama, in that Jigging for Genocide concert, the next step must be being made an honorary citizen of Paree

Pepe le Pew said...

You can fantasize that americans are really captain marvel super heroes all you want, aa. Knock yersaylf out like they say here.

Arelcao Akleos said...

hmmmm, you mean like Clinton with Rwanda, Carter with Cambodia, Roosevelt with the "Neocons", Bush Sr.&Powell with the Shias [post GW]?
Or you mean the pining hope Carter has for a modest Solution to the "Neocon Problem"? Or Obama&Reids Versaillian shrug at a few million disposable Iraqis pleading for a chance?
You have your Captains, cretin, and you do kneel and Marvel so obsequiously before them.

Pepe le Pew said...

a few million disposable Iraqis pleading for a chance?
the only pleading I hear is for you guys to stop making a mess of things and get out.

Carter with Cambodia?

Pepe le Pew said...

a few million disposable Iraqis pleading for a chance?

There is really no end to your willingness to delude yourself, aa: all the US has achieved so far is to create ideal conditions for the civil war. It certainly hasn't "given them a chance": it's destroyed any chance that they had at peace, and has been ever since desperately scrambling to mitigate the disaster caused by lack of preparation compounded with four years of incompetent administration. Fat chance, yeah.

Arelcao Akleos said...

What you call "Peace" was the Stalin in Qbya known as Saddam and his Commodus/Caligula spawn. As long as millions die under the Red Machine all was well, all was Peace, on Planet Pepe.
Should the Yanks leave with the genociders on the prowl, to PP that would be just Happy Days Are Here Again, only now the millions would die under the Green Machine .
Enfin, you are Vichy

Pepe le Pew said...

I think most people would chose a bad peace over endless civil war, particularly in an instance where there is no end in sight.