Saturday, July 11, 2009

Harvard at the wheel

[Add a pic of the Hahvahd power couple. Thanks for the hint, Mr Rot.]


Mr roT said...

Samantha Powers I believe is this moron's squeeze. If they reproduce, I am sure Harvard will throw a party.

Tecumseh said...

You're right, I didn't know that: On July 4, 2008, Sunstein married Samantha Power, professor of public policy at Harvard, whom he met when they worked as advisors to Sunstein's friend, and former colleague at the U. of C. Law School, President Barack Obama on his presidential campaign. It's a small world. All your bases are belong to us.

Tecumseh said...

More: The man is legal scholar Cass Sunstein. His specialty is constitutional law, but he's written on an alarming number of topics: cloning, Wikipedia, animal rights, pornography, Bob Dylan's lyrics. (He seems to write a book about as often as most people run the dishwasher.) He's often mentioned as a potential Supreme Court nominee. He was recently called the "preeminent legal scholar of our time . . . the most prolific, the most cited, and the most influential."

Mr Rot, don't get the vapors on me!

Tecumseh said...

Seethe, Rot, seethe.

Mr roT said...

Impressive. They're all retards.