Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A tale of two pitches

Picture perfect.


Pepe le Pew said...

what is this - the non-event of the day ? Some guy can throw a stupid ball better than another guy ? that somehow makes him more presidential ? wtf ?

Tecumseh said...

Some guy throws a good pitch, without histrionics. Another guys struts around, throws a dud (with the catcher helpfully sitting over the plate to narrow the distance), then pumps his fist in the air in self-congratulation. Perfect metaphor.

Tecumseh said...

Even the Guardian is not impressed: The world of baseball was respectful, if underwhelmed. The St Louis Post-Dispatch compared him with the Cardinals' starting pitcher Adam Wainwright, saying the high and looping pitch was like one of Wainwright's killer throws "only 50 mph slower". Others called Obama's performance "sissy".

Pepean to the hilt.

Pepe le Pew said...

you are right, i now find myself agonizing over whether he can play hoola hoop at all. I don't think i could bear the disappointment if he didn't.

Tecumseh said...

You don't "play" the hoola hoop, you twirl it, you ignoramus you.

Pepe le Pew said...

you're the expert.

Tecumseh said...

I know what words mean, unlike a Frenchy-educated cookie-cutter pinko.