Thursday, July 16, 2009

VDH tries Logic 101 with Pepe

Not gonna work. The pinko mind is simply not wired for logical thinking.

If one wishes to stimulate the economy, it makes no sense to conflate productive small businesses with financial-sector zillionaires as enemies of the people. Paying out 50 percent of one’s income in taxes may not be socialism, but paying out 70 percent surely is. Duhhh. Spread the wealth. Pinko nirvana ensues. The alpha and omega of pinko thought.

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

Had Barack Obama run a Chicago law firm, or had Timothy Geithner created a software company, perhaps they would have some understanding of all the psychological impulses that determine whether businesses gamble or freeze up. It does not help to suggest that those who make above $250,000 are somehow self-indulgent — while our populist first couple flies in cooks, serves $100-a-pound beef, wears $400 tennis shoes, and seems to enjoy the life of the rich and famous as much as they deplore it in others — especially given the past tax hypocrisy of Geithner, Daschle, Solis, and others.

Pinko chutzpah in all its glory.