Sunday, July 05, 2009

When commies call on God.

"I am the commander of the armed forces, elected by the people, and I ask the armed forces to comply with the order to open the airport so that there is no problem in landing and embracing with my people," Zelaya told Venezuela's Telesur network while en route. "Today I feel like I have sufficient spiritual strength, blessed with the blood of Christ, to be able to arrive there and raise the crucifix."

Why didn't they shoot this bastard last week?


Mr roT said...

"The blood of Christ sustains me," Mr. Zelaya said in a brief interview aboard the plane with Venezuela's state-run TV network Telesur.


Mr roT said...

In Washington, U.S. officials said earlier that if Zelaya could not reach Tegucigalpa, he would head to Washington today for further strategizing.

Hmmmm how 'bout a boat.?

Tecumseh said...

How do you define infinite chutzpah?