Thursday, July 02, 2009

Who couldn't see this coming?

Shit, VDH is pissing on so much rope that the Navy wants to lock him up.

Look Victah, Obama didn't even want democracy to win the day next door in Iraq when our guys were dying there for it. Who gives a shit about a couple Shias, anyway? They won't bomb anyone but whitey anyway.


Tecumseh said...

the U.S. pressures other nations as it pleases — though strangely now more to lean on friends than to criticize rivals and enemies.

"Strangely"? C'mon, Victah, get real. This isn't Kansas anymore. We're on Planet Pepe. Get that in your head, willya?

Mr roT said...

Rivals? WTF? Khameini and Rev Wright are birds of a feather.

Is there something I'm missing?