Monday, November 23, 2009

Awesome photography

...including a smiling Thierry Henry...


Arelcao Akleos said...

These left me Thierry eyed

Mr roT said...

quit playing with henry.

Tecumseh said...

Who does this fellow Miguel Cotto look like? Hmmm... Is this just my imagination?

Arelcao Akleos said...

A Wienishcer bi-cotto-lieber?

Tecumseh said...

A punched-out one.

Mr roT said...

Ah, Tecs, you seethe quietly for months and years, then you vicariously get me back in some kind of web-version of the Columbia Prof of Urban Planning's sucker punch, or so you think.

But the real issue, the one that gnaws and gnaws at your insides and fills you with so much bile is that you're rapidly descending into Html-Alz land.

Oh, it bugs you a bit when I mention your undying support for Kerry and your schoolgirl like admiration for Zakaria, or your "reasoning" that Obama won't be so bad because he's so much smarter than Sarah Palin... But you get over that after a couple Miller Lites and a bag of potato chips, sitting in your shorts on a moldy couch in the dank UK somewhere, watching American Idol.

No, when you set a link with a #startofcomments in the url and it wrecks everything and I have to fix it, then you you get nasty and dream of punching me out.

But you can't Tecs! You just can't! You need me to teach you the ways of right political thought and programming.

So keep seething there in your dark little room, the radiator clanking away while you slobber over Britney Spears with your warm can of imported Miller beer.

I'll be here laughing.

Tecumseh said...

Can't wait to go meet AA at of those Harvard pseudo-squares, go to a nice warm portuguese eatery, and plot Machiavellian ways to get back at Herr Rot, Knuckledragger over chunks of boiled cod and roasted potatoes. Hah!

Mr roT said...

Quaking Tecs! Have a Miller Lite on me!