Thursday, November 26, 2009

Don't worry, be happy


Mr roT said...

I wonder if VDH ever thinks anything is funny. For being a scholar of classical antiquity (sorry, Tecs, fortissimi sunt Belgae and all that, but they didn't write much down), you'd think there'd be a streak of black amusement sometimes out of this guy.

OK, on the attack he sometimes is ok, but this dirge he plays...change the song, willya?

Can't we all holler ooorah a couple times this Thanksgiving and rejoice that Obama is at least providing a soap opera and that soon his numbers will go negative outright?

Tecumseh said...

I agree, VDH tends to be a Johnny-one-note kind of guy. Steyn is much better at the genre, gotta give him that. But then again, how many pundits have Steyn's writing ability?

Mr roT said...

Just Steyn can write like that. Iowahawk is awesome but less political.

Mr roT said...

I forgot where I was going on that first sentence. I meant to say that as a scholar of classical antiquity, VDH should've got some of that Mediterranean fatalism that tempers the gloom.

An occasional "Wow, this sucks, let's drink" would do him wonders as a writer.

Tecumseh said...

Perhaps VDH needs some ouzo?

Mr roT said...

Exactly, if you can tolerate ouzo (or retsina). Perikles weeps.