Monday, November 23, 2009

A Simple Case of Action-Reaction

Blind Obamaphilia, meet Comeuppance [this for us, and for the Danes]

Sounds like someone from FCP, who shall remain nameless, or just call him "Not From Planet Pepe", left this comment:
"America should have a cowboy in the White House. Cowboys are intelligent without being intellectual. They're simple without being simplistic. They are straight forward and don't see seventeen shades of gray when they don't exist. They'll stand beside you when your fair-weather friends desert you and they understand the supreme virtue of action. Every free nation, not just America, should have a cowboy-type leader. Cowboys should be looked upon as a positive, though it's not surprising that most of Europe and, sadly, a good portion of America don't grasp this. They're too sophisticated to. "


Mr roT said...

AA, quit dumping on Tecs! Poor guy, he's sitting in his underwear in some dank hovel in the UK, looking around for Britney Spears on TV and wondering how all his Harvard heroes failed him.

Give him a break. When he gets to Boston get him a can of warm Miller Lite for me.

Tecumseh said...

You got the "dank hovel" right, Herr Rot. Didn't think of that description, but it fits to a t. Even the beer is rather dumpy in this godforsaken, damp corner of the world. But you got the TV part totally wrong -- there is no TV in this hovel. At any rate, I'm outta here, need to get back to the good ole US of A, and chomp on that turkey, with all the trimmings.

What are you gonna do on TurkeyDay, Herr Rothaus? Suck on a chicken bone?

Mr roT said...

Hey, man I got plenny ta eat here!