Saturday, November 28, 2009

A dinky little scandal

More: During the Bush Administration, it was Pulitzer material to expose anti-terrorism methods and operations ... But when it comes to the hundreds of emails exposing the “scientists” who are manufacturing fraudulent data that is being used to seize control of the U.S.—and world—economy in the name of “global warming,” the New York Times is suddenly queasy about exposing documents that were “never intended for the public eye.” The last time they kept a secret this well, was when Stalin was starving millions of Ukrainians to death.


Tecumseh said...

Dave McK, on November 28, 2009 at 07:41 PM

I'm afraid the sort of narcissism that gives rise to blind arrogance is cultivated at university and endemic to government. It is the backbone of those cultures, in fact, to presume to be superior and presume to dictate rules by which others live. It used to be called royalty.

Tecumseh said...

I'd rather drink tzuica from a plastic Coke bottle -- which I'm doing right now. Goes well with taramosalata.

Mr roT said...

I am drinking Blauer Zweigelt!

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

The other shoe drops: In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.” Hmmmm....

Tecumseh said...

John Scott wrote:
Al Gore got a Nobel prize based on THIS?

Tecumseh said...

A novel interpretation: It’s Bush’s fault: if Bush had not fought back when CBS News called Florida for Al Gore [...] then Al Gore would not have had to seek redemption and his fortune in climate hucksterism, and the left would not have had to over-indulge him in it, overcompensating in order to “kick Bush in the leg.”

Tecumseh said...

MSM uses the good-old airbrush technique.

Tecumseh said...

Some sage advice: But Copenhagen has many attractions other than pompous talk. The time would be better spent drinking aquavit in Tivoli Gardens than it would spending a fair portion of the world’s wealth on anthropogenic global warming that could be either an illusion or a very minor contributing factor to a far more complex problem. Let’s postpone.

Tecumseh said...

More: Der Spiegel International wrote this week, “The closer one looks at climate models, the greater the temptation to doubt their usefulness. Is this not a case of altering parameters until they produce the desired results? How much real science can be found in the models? How much is merely the result of tuning?”

Thanks to the CRU scandal, the gap is closing between the BBC and Der Spiegel on the one hand and Homer Simpson on the other. His take on global warming: “I’ve got an inside tip that it’s all a bunch of crap.”

Mr roT said...

Taramosalata and booze together? Didn't know booze went with anything but broads.

The other shoe: This is amazing. In effect, they have already deleted millions and millions of dollars worth of data in order to cover their asses. If this is true, that whole dept is screwed. Anyone in science knows that the lab notebooks don't belong to you the scientist. They belong to the university and the grant agency.

Al Gore got a Nobel for not being Bush like Krugman did, like Obama did, like Jimmy Carter did,...

Al Gore's diagnosis is a novel version of "It's All Bush's Fault" in that it at least acknowledges that Gore is a sick puppy. Phil Jones and Mike Mann have done something positive then, but it could be that their hucksterism and death-penalty-warranting dishonesty is All Bush's Fault too. I can't figure out the moral calculus here, so I will leave that to experts.

About the Airbrush thing. Err, I was shocked when I read that Strib article, thinking that if anyone, they would be the ones digging in and hoping this whole thing blows over. Apparently some wag in the mailroom sneaked a password and wrote the article straight. He's been fired and ritually emasculated by now, certainly.

I don't get the thing about the Revken article. Maybe if it were over in the Revken article post, then we could make sense of it together.

Tivoli Gardens is one of those Northern European things that normals will never understand. It is a theme park, putatively for adults. It is thoroughly infantile but sells beer. We have one in Vienna too, strangely, because Viennese are remarkably Mediterranean in outlook.

Only thin I can compare it to that I have seen in the States is German and Russian adults reading children's literature. What the hell for? It's fun somehow? Just goddam weird.

Homer Simpson the Ur-Knuckledragger gets it right and the Harvard postdocs in Physics are dumb cheerleaders.

Sounds like it's time to let someone else do science for awhile.

Tecs, This is why if you post on the front page, then the comments can be connected to the respective posts.

Mr roT said...

Google cache of the strib article.

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rot, I appreciate that, for a change, you respond in sequence to all my posts. Que pasa, you're mellowing out?

When I post one by one stories on the front page, you bitch that stories get buried, and you can't see them. When I group them together in the comments section of a parent posting, you bitch again. All right, what should be the (unwritten) posting etiquette? When to start a post, and when to fold to comments? O, oracle of the Stadtpark?

Tecumseh said...

Yep, I'd seen that google cache. Only rational explanation I have for the STrib to throw that Andy Revkin article down the Memory Hole is that the original title was deemed in hindsight by the power that be to be nekulturnyi. Note that the NYT did a similar switcheroo, and reprinted the article with a more PC title the next day. How did the offending title slip by the NYT censors in the first place?

Mr roT said...

I prefer to think it's a principled, idealistic, young person in the mailroom, wanting to eventually get a Pulitzer and starting out by showing all the corrupt old bought cretins how to do their jobs right and without credit. But I am a romantic this way, Tecs. Did I mention that the idealistic young mailroom worker is blonde and has really nice tits?

Mr roT said...

For example...