Sunday, November 22, 2009

Malthus lives!

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

Ahhh, yes, the old essay on population reborn. It's interesting how these great Malthusian theorists walk around suggesting the planet is overburdened with homosapien and they don't take the logical next step by offing themselves. In fact, they often wince upon voicing this suggestion (happened when AA and I were at the U of Minnesota some years back. I was talking with one of these population controllers. "Why don't you just kill yourself then?" I said. They don't like that line of reasoning.)

Every action and reaction in the universe is invariably a "burden" on it. The whole planet is one big bacterial colony, this singular evolution set in the infinite petri dish that is the universe. So deal with it Malthusians. Move on.