Monday, November 30, 2009

The stink of intellectual corruption

.. is not overpowering enough to waft up to those refined pinko-aristo nostrils.


Tecumseh said...

Climate scientists lean very heavily on statistical methods, but they are not necessarily statisticians. Some of the correspondents in these emails appear to be out of their depth. This would explain their anxiety about having statisticians, rather than their climate-science buddies, crawl over their work.

Hmmm.... You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out those warmist bozos know squat about anything besides massaging data to butter their toast.

Tecumseh said...

The declaration from Rajendra Pachauri that the emails confirm all is as it should be is stunning. Science at its best. Science as it should be. Good lord. This is pure George Orwell. And these guys call the other side "deniers".

Day at the office in Pepea.

Tecumseh said...

Johnny Longtorso November 30, 2009 11:00 AM

Any doubts that if President Gore had gotten anti-AGW legislation back in '00-'02, the currently "inexplicable" pause in warming would have been credited to Strong Government Action and we'd have to put up with a chorus of "Gore saved us all - everything you have you owe to Him"?

Mr roT said...

fruit says no.

Mr roT said...

Longtorso is wrong. Gore would be sane if he'd won. This is all W's fault. Duh.

Mr roT said...

Maybe the land of the jacqueries has an advantage:

Dans les années 70 le club de Rome nous disait que l'explosion démographique nous mènerait à la catastrophe. En 2009 la population mondiale est en voie de stabilisation (taux de fécondité mondial 2,58). C'est même un krach demographique qui nous attend après 2050 car beaucoup de pays n'assurent plus le renouvellement des générations (Russie, Chine, Allemagne, Japon, Italie, mais aussi Iran, Tunisie, Chili...). Conclusion: ne pas se laisser abuser par le millénarisme ecolo marxiste.

Tecumseh said...

Note though that Le Monde does not know how to set out links in html. Aahhh, the French. Still using minitels, I guess.

Mr roT said...

Like you're one to criticize!