Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama Clean of Slate; or Pepe does Pravda

Of course, in a fundamental sense he is correct in the concept: Obama has laid the ground for killing damage to this nation. Reagan sure couldn't meet that standard.

REGURGE: For Kimball having bitter fun.


Mr roT said...

Yes, I agree. In absolute values, he has done a lot.

When it comes to foreign policy, Obama's accomplishment has been less tangible but hardly less significant: He has put America on a new footing with the rest of the world. In a series of foreign trips and speeches, which critics deride as trips and speeches, he replaced George W. Bush's unilateral, moralistic militarism with an approach that is multilateral, pragmatic, and conciliatory.

I am not sure that I would put it that way. When you're prostrate, it's hardly called `footing'.

Tecumseh said...

More like, kowtowing.

Mr roT said...

It's pragmatism, you Christianist!

Tecumseh said...

Valley of sorrow, mounds of taco shit.