Friday, January 22, 2010

Chris Matthews on fire!



Mr roT said...

What the hell is going on here? If you follow HotAir's links around, you find Jack Cafferty going apeshit about PC also.

CNN is worried about PC? News to me.

Chris Matthews not tingling anymore?

I don't understand the media's MO. Aren't supposed to just kiss the asses of pinkos? Or are they always against the right?

I do think that they're always against the right during elections and then give pinko shitheads in office a grace period after elections, length varying(?), and then put on a show of 'keepin 'em honest'.

I don't know what's in it for Matthews to go after Grayson. Perhaps he didn't want to be lied to on his own show. Matthews doesn't want to look like a patsy and so goes after Dean and Grayson.

What happened when Repubs went on his show? Did they? Did Rove or any of the political advisors ever do it?

Tecumseh said...

All good questions, but hey, why do you ask me? I stopped watching Hardball many years ago. But Matthews is not an idiot -- if he wants, he can be a hardass, like he was with Grayson, who's just a big fat blabbering idiot. I'm not why he (Matthews) does what he does, but even he must realize that he must retain some kind of credibility over the long run. So perhaps he lets off steam now and then? Unlike the other blabbering idiot (Olby), who has typecast himself as the perpetual blabbering idiot, so doesn't need flashes of lucidity now and then to maintain a semblance of sentience?

Mr roT said...

I guess Olberdouche and Madcow have a market niche that wants wacko bullshit all the time while Matthews rides the prevailing winds and puts people on the spot that are already on their heels.

When there's some slope to the public sentiment, then he can get people like Dean and Grayson on; they want the publicity and maybe Matthews' leg is still tingling, they tell themselves.

Then he wallops them, partly because they're beggars and he's not in a generous mood.

Shit, Matthews is not a dumbass, but he has not been fair with our guys. He's a douche either way, but I'd like to figure out his Lagrangian.

Tecumseh said...

Remember, the guy didn't have things handed out to him on a silver plate -- he started out as a Capitol cop, and then worked his way up the corridors of power, ending as an aide to Tip O'Neill during the glory days of the early 1980s. He can be slightly unpredictable by lockstep MSM standards -- eg, he said at some point that he voted for W in 2000, which is hard to believe, but who knows.

He certainly can be brutal when he wants to (especially when his leg is tingling). Eg, this is what he said after Hillary won the NH primary (in Jan 2008): I'll be brutal, the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be senator from New York. We keep forgetting it. She didn't win there on her merit.

Mr roT said...

That was misinterpreted. Of course the military detest Obama. Every time I read on HuffPo that the Dems and pacifists are on the side of the military guys and the military guys feel this, I think "LIE".

Matthews just didn't word that right. He meant political opposition, though military guys aren't supposed to speak out. Of course West Pointers oppose Obama.

And vice-versa.

Mr roT said...

Going after Hillary could've been just supporting Obama--being further left--old-style nostrums (as Conrad Black says) a la Tip O'Neill.

I don't trust Matthews at all. He's protecting his show and is watching which way the wind blows.

Maybe they go left because it's safer during elections. At least you don't piss off the guys in charge and get accused of helping out the bad guys when they win.

Tecumseh said...

I don't trust Matthews either. Only thing I'm saying he's quite smart -- well, for a politico/journo/pinko type. Being smart, he sees where the wind is blowing, and adjusts accordingly, so as to survive and fight another day. On the other hand, and idiot like Olby is totally clueless, and keeps on jabbering like nothing happened. All in all, this is saying something, I think.

Mr roT said...

High praise indeed, but I agree.

VCP anyway.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ok, maybe you guys are overthinking this. Think of Mathews as a sharper, more "in the world" version of Buckley Voorhees VII.
What do I mean? I mean that when Chris Mathews felt dat tinglin' risin' up his leg and aimin' for his nether regions he, just as did Chris Buckley when he felt that rising admiration for the Jib [so finely cut], became a droolin' homoerotic Idjit. In pubic.
But now dat tinglin' is over, nothing left but the cold sweat and bad taste of a regrettable f*ck. So now, while CB slumps shamefacedly into the comfy sofas of his yacht club-- and swigs down the VCP Rott owes Tecumseh-- ol' CM decides somebody's gonna pay for makin' him look like a chump.
Don't call your sons "Chris"; lesson learnt.

Mr roT said...

Interesting theory, AA. About me owing Tecs VCP.

Arelcao Akleos said...

And is it not your duty, Komrad, to put that Theorie into Praxis?