Sunday, January 24, 2010

A different kind of Manchurian Candidate

All of this represents the best prescription I can imagine for wrecking a presidency, and Obama has followed it with exacting precision. Indeed, doing so would appear to be his only real passion. It's almost as if he were a Republican sleeper politician in some party politics version of the Manchurian Candidate, planted to arise on cue and destroy the Democratic Party from within.

And I thought we were too rough on Obamakles!

By the way, the comments section is a riot.

Noemie Emery is comparatively kind.

The irony is that the pundits urging their party to defy the widely verified will of the people also want to make war on the rules of the Senate: for [the purpose of] thwarting the popular will.


Tecumseh said...

Didn't I see this post before? I certainly saw the article around Noon. VCP coming up, Herr Rot.

Mr roT said...


Mr roT said...

So I linked to a page that referenced this page. So what? You pay up for a frivolous VCP claim.

Tecumseh said...

I sent you the proof by email.

Mr roT said...

Send it to Inventiones.

Mr roT said...

Forget it.

More jewels from Commondreams:

Hi, Vern, to be honest, I have not studied his chart. Bill Clinton is a Leo as is Obama and Leo is foremost a showman. Most Leos are influenced by their hearts, although the lust for power is also a factor. It seems he is a loving husband and father, and I would think the emotion of love would bind him to the realization that the things he refuses to act upon (say sane policies to curtain global warming) will undermine the lives of his children and someday grandchildren. It is almost impossible for me to conceive of how persons in power can act with such knowing disregard for the very sustainability of the planet. There is one dark possibility, that just as Tony Blair and Bush believed in "End Times," and Hillary was known to attend an odd religious "lunch" at some lobbyist house near the Capital, that Mr. Obama also is a devotee of this dark prophecy and therefore feels no onus for all that he is not doing. It's been estimated that 100 million believe in End Times. This is hardly a tiny fringe group, and about half of those numbers reside in the U.S. Undoubtedly the darling Ms. Palin is among that ilk. Can you imagine a more diabolical excuse for compromising the responsibilities leadership calls for? To presume it's ALL nearly over, that nothing matters is a form of nihilism on steroids. It's also gotten plenty of press in the form of popularly promoted Christian literature! What if that belief system is also Obama's? Otherwise, somebody got to him... and let him know his family's lives would become collateral damage if he didn't follow THE program.

Pepe supplied me with Commondreams. Awesome site. Much better than your contributions, Tecs.

You owe me and AA some VCP.