Friday, January 29, 2010

VCP for Tecs

Jeroboam. Grande Dame. I didn't think these guys could back out of such a big decision. I hope locals keep pushing this kangaroo proceeding all the way back to Gitmo, and Obama all the way back to Hawaii.

HuffPo gets around to reporting and comment on this.

REGURGE: Obama going back to dumb policy? (This article was posted before the other HuffPo one)


Tecumseh said...

You beat me to the punch with this post. I just came back from a very nice dinner at local trattoria (with a guy you heard about -- remember those triangles and poissons?) and saw the headline. But, before I could boast, I saw you already had the VCP ready. OK, I'll take it.

Mr roT said...

You go to Tratt. Tosc. behing the MFA?

Arelcao Akleos said...

There's something fishy about the "triangles" behind the MFA.

Mr roT said...

¿Hay putas?

Tecumseh said...

Just across the Fens. Never been before to that place. Pretty good.

Mr roT said...

Trattoria Toscana?

Tecumseh said...

That's it. You been there? How come you never told me about it?

Mr roT said...

Tecs, Tratt is an old favorite. Probably invited you there ten times. That place is outstanding, if you order right.

AA has been there. Yes, it's criminal that he's forcing you to choke down bacalhau.

You guys trying to hire Legburden?

Tecumseh said...

You're lying!! You never invited me to the Trattoria -- only to some obscure places next to some pseudo-squares way out in the boonies, where I'd have to trek for hours before getting some chow.

Food was good, though I'm not sure I ordered the best. I tried wild boar on some very wide fettucine (how do you call those?). Also had some (very thick) lentil soup, and some appetizers -- chopped liver and stuff on some pieces of bread. Kind of good, earthy food. But they didn't have calamari! So what should one order?

Yeah, that's da man. Hush, hush. Conversation came at some point to delbar, but those guys had no idea of wienerschnitzel land happenings. Seethe.

Mr roT said...

Hmmm, pretty CryMeARiver -ptic...