Saturday, January 23, 2010

Not Gergen, but Plouffe

Kaus is a genius, eh?
What do presidents do when they should fire themselves? They fire their advisers and bring in a new crew. That's what may happen here. I'd guess we're about 36 hours away from a Beltway call for "wise men." ... If it wasn't for his role in the Massachusetts Senate debate, I'd say we're a week away from David Gergen's touchdown at Reagan National.

Ezra Klein thinks Massachusetts voters are too stoopid to know what they're voting for or against. OK, dude! You Dems keep pushing, and the voters will keep pulling (levers till you're all gone).


Arelcao Akleos said...

The Pouf and not the Gorgon?

Mr roT said...

The Dems are in, AA.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Gorgon has a flexible eye for the Power Guy

Tecumseh said...

Gergen has been around since the mind can recall. For sure since the Reagan era -- but then I seem to recall he was much more conservative. A weathervane, eh? As for Ezra Klein, he reminds me of Pepe: keep diggin', he says.