Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day at the office on Planet Gore

Pepean "science" is beyond parody. Lysenko was much better.


Mr roT said...

I've got problems with the abstract: BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin considers whether another mistake by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has come to light.

``Mistake'' they say? Pah!

In the article, it is mentioned that the guys that wrote some doomsaying tripe about the Amazon belong to some organization of believers.

Tecs, are you a member of the AMS and believe that CDs are worth thinking about?

Sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

Tecumseh said...

You kiddin' me? I'm too cheap to pay dues to any organization.

Mr roT said...

Now here's how to write an important dissertation. You hang around the refuges in the alps, driinking beer with alpinists, shoot the bull and then Proffy signs your thesis.

WTF, Tecs!? How come I didn't get a deal like that? I thought we were buddies.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, hey, hey. Read Carefully: .. a dissertation written by a geography student, studying for the equivalent of a master's degree, at the University of Berne in Switzerland that quoted interviews with mountain guides in the Alps.

So this was for an M.S. thesis, not the real deal. I wonder what a Ph.D. thesis in Gorebal Warming Science would be about...

Mr roT said...

Have to interview hookers in Zürich also.