Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Long View of the Nation

The word went out from Party Central,
On this debacle don't go Mental.
Obamakles is all Cool and Steady,
Of Choreography Planned and ever Ready,
with Idea and Practice sharp and Heady.
From the unexpected Massachusetts Way
Wrecklers may have their little Day,
But Long Run, Komrads, they will Pay.

It's all in the Plan, Komrads, all in the plan.


Mr roT said...

Guy read a hell of a lot just to become another fokken Jimmah.
Coulda done that a lot easier, imo.

Tecumseh said...

I read the first paragraphs before I gave up. This guy Sasha Abramsky sounds like a Soviet propagandist on a bad hair day.

Mr roT said...

You need to let the art flow over you, Tecs.