Sunday, February 20, 2011

The pinko Lagrangean written down once and for all

Hey Tecs! This is pure \lesssim!

REGURGE: OK, so in Libya, Qaddafi is killing hundreds of his victims. Let's try to make a prediction of the media's response if it isn't already too late.
Since in Lockerbie Qaddafi killed westerners, that was OK and so Moammar was no big deal, but now what? He's killing little brown ones, and worse than that, he dropped out of the nuke game. He should be bad now like Nir Rosen.
Get your bets in early. I think the Libya thing has already been soft-pedaled by the press, but today it could be splashy headlines.


Tecumseh said...

So it was with coverage of Logan and the rest of the foreign reporters assaulted in Egypt. They were attacked by invisible attackers with no identities, no barbaric values, no moral responsibility, and no criminal culpability. CBS went so far as to blur the faces of the men who surrounded Logan in the moments before she was attacked.

Rock, scissor, paper.

Mr roT said...

This is your Hasan fixation phenomenon in practice also.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Logan's Run

Mr roT said...

Did you read the piece, AA? I think this is quite good. OK, it's badly written, but she has the full rule. She can write down a flowchart and predict the media response to anything involving blacks, browns, women, gays, Jews here Jews there,... you name it.

She has a Grand Unified Theory of all media emphasis.

Tecumseh said...

Glick is good. Of course, she went to Columbia.

Mr roT said...

Strassel went to Princeton. So how come all the men that go to those places are idiots?

Tecumseh said...

Didn't Feynman also go to Princeton?

Mr roT said...

Grad school MIT undergrad.

BTW, Caroline seems to come from SCROTUS' nghd.

Tecumseh said...

The correct abbreviation is nbhd, not nghd. How many times do I need to teach you such basic things?

Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

Isn't nghd="Nut Grabbing Hood Dicksucker"?

That's Obamakles

Mr roT said...

From Hyde Park. That's what I was trying to tell Tecs, but he's too goddamned thick sometimes.

Tecumseh said...

You're trying to squirm out of it, Houdini-like. No way.

As for Gaddafi shooting up with abandon his citizens: nah, not an MSM-approved story. Will be reported (can't cover it up, can we?), but matter-of-factly, no flourishes, and no breathless details.

Kind of like Ahmadenijad shooting up the Iranian protesters a couple of years ago. If the story don't fit the narrative, spike it. It's JournoList 101.

Mr roT said...

I wonder if you're right. Qaddafi is a good guy now only for Lockerbie.

Remember that he kow-towed to W by dropping out of the nuke race against Israel. That is the highest treason possible on the left, and they know all about accusing people of treasonable acts.

Mr roT said... you.