Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tecs and AA too weird for Billo


Tecumseh said...

You got that one right: Billo sounds like your typical Rotter-establishmentarian type, happily swilling ouzo and gorging on kaiserfleisch, while Beck comes out as your slightly paranoid guy, warning about the dangers lurking behind the facade.

Could go both ways, for sure. But, if you learn your history lessons (Mr. non-Santayana), you'd be more inclined to heed the Spenglerian warnings, disheveled as they may sound.

Mr roT said...

One should save his drool for credible threats, says I.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Like Global Warming and the dangers of Arizonan wing nut jobs who think that the border with Mexico should be the border with Mexico.

Drool away.

Mr roT said...

AA calls "A=A" into question.

Nothing like an education in philosophy to clear things up...