Sunday, July 09, 2006

French crow

Aahhh, the putrid air of fin-de-règne. So when are Chirac and Villepin just gonna go away? I'm sick and tired of them, we need some fresh blood here. Maybe Sarko will clean house, and get on board with les Anglo-Saxons? Hope springs eternal...


The Darkroom said...

In France just like America, there is a foul smell of corruption around conservatives. It comes with the territory: what are you going to do ?

Tecumseh said...

Chirac & Villepin "conservatives"? Puhleease!

The Darkroom said...

what else are they ? on our political spectrum you guys go from conservative to ultra-conservative. We also have centrists and then the left: social-dems, socialists, commies, etc... which are absent from your landscape

The Darkroom said...

btw i think only in the us do ppl think of liberals as left wingers.

Tecumseh said...

I agree, this business of equating liberals with left-wingers is rather non-sensical. And yes, the center of political gravity is translated way to the left in most European countries. In the US, I'd think Chirac & Villepin would feel much more comfortable with the likes of Teddy Kennedy, and may even be to the left of Jean Francois Kerry, who knows? On the other hand, I doubt there is much of a principled conservative Right in France -- there hasn't been one since at least deGaulle, from what I can tell. And, whatever your political opinions are, this is rather sad, I think.

The Darkroom said...

i agree but i don't think it is any different here. I don't see a principled right (or left really) either.

Tecumseh said...

How about in Poland?
Does this smack of nepotism, or what?

The Darkroom said...

amazing - even the Bushies wouldn't dare to pull one like this!