Friday, July 07, 2006

Yet another Molotov cocktail

Fun and games from the protégés of the Left. Oh, how they love it!


The Darkroom said...

There wasn't even a molotov cocktail there: these guys were in beyrouth thinking about blowing up a tunnel in NY.

I often think about making a billion bucks.

Tecumseh said...

The plot was more advanced than that -- not quite at the level of opertaional readiness as the one uncovered in Toronto a few weeks ago, but not that far behind. Glad they caught the mad bombers -- the damage would have been horrific. In this business, the professionals try to catch the bad guys before they strike, ya know? That, despite the best efforts of the NYT to cut off at the knee our efforts at detection and disruption of the terror networks.

The Darkroom said...

i understand - still there is a long way betrween the drawing board and the execution of a plan.

The Darkroom said...

>>>In this business, the professionals try to catch the bad guys before they strike, ya know?

I agree but so far they've caught padilla, guilty of improper googling, the sears tower loosers armed with toothpicks, and delusional moussaoui. I guess it's fine - I am really questioning the hype over the catches which, like everything in this silly "war on terror/evil", are closer to the plankton than the whale.

Tecumseh said...

Partouzards jihadi: the Binnie deception.

The Darkroom said...

Sounds better than the lifestyle the local suburban bible-belters are advocating.

The Darkroom said...

of course there is the possibility that this is the result of yet another bungled investigation... given your admirable propensity at exonarating your compatriots from evildoing until proven guilty, you will no doubt afford these people a similar a priori judgement.

Tecumseh said...

Houston PD in ouzo daze.