Friday, July 06, 2007

Garbage Barge of History Redux...

Note: I linked to this Hitchens piece through the Hitchens web-site. It suggests that Hitchens wrote this, but without a by-line, it's not 100% certain (there's mention at the end).

Also, this author claims to some extent still be a Marxist, but Hitchens has abandoned that Utopian Ideal (unless the once a Marxist, always a Marxist maxim holds, regardless of change in worldview).

In any case, it's a commentary on some recently published letters of that 19th-century Positivist, garbage historian (he was a Philosopher-Journalist, afterall), Karl Marx.

1 comment:

Arelcao Akleos said...

For whatever oddity of worth, I've often thought that Karl was a far far better journalist/observer than an architect of dystopian worlds [unfortunately, he gave better architects the vision of such dystopian worlds, eh Lenin?].