Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Like a rolling stone

Delights of Planet Pepe.


Arelcao Akleos said...

If this doesn't scarify a Frenchman, then there really are no Frenchmen left

Pepe le Pew said...

These people are just taking good ol' american family values one step further. I'll remind you that planet pepe doesn't give two shits about schmamily values and isn't about to condone the killing of people who think likewise.

Tecumseh said...

Rolling with the punch, eh? RoP-a-dope won't get you off the hook, Pepe. You are the in the cheering corner of the head-hackers and stone-throwers, face it like a man.

Pepe le Pew said...

Wouldn't that make your life easy: to be able to claim without blinking that liberals are one with AQ and other wackos. But while the efforts at getting Iraq rid of the american presence are laudable, there are way too many philosophical discrepancies for such a communion. Certainly when it comes to social issues, you are the one who should find the proximity disturbing.

As unpleasant as it may sound to you, I am afraid that opposing the US invasion isn't the same as supporting whole-heartedly the head-hackers.

Arelcao Akleos said...

What a relief, now we know that liberals do not support WHOLEHEARTEDLY Islam Militant. Just, ye know, small stuff like seeing Iraqs live and die under the banner of Islam Militant, now that they can't any longer live and die under the banner of BloodBaath.
Petain could not have said it better himself.