Monday, July 09, 2007

Sickos in Paradise

Here Planet Pepe strikes into that bouncy tune "Dr. Mengele's body lies moulderin' in the Grave, but his Soul goes Marching On! "

"Doctors & Jihad: "Terror Is Healing" [Andy McCarthy]

Two very interesting takes on this subject of understandable interest on the Corner in recent days. Dr. Andy Bostom at FPM and Stephen Schwartz at the UK's Spectator analyze the long and curious relationship between medicine and jihadist thought. I confess to being embarrassed not to have known that Osama bin Laden's mentor, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, was a medical doctor. I knew that, like his friend and my former notorious defendant, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, Azzam had earned a doctorate in Islamic jurisprudence from al-Azhar University in Cairo in the early 70's. I did not realize he was also a physician.

Interestingly, Azzam was murdered in 1989, and there has been strong speculation — most recently in Larry Wright's heralded book, the Looming Tower — that Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2 was complicit. As has been noted here, Zawahiri is also a physician."

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