Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chilling out

Ah, mais non, mais non, says Algore. Ce n'est pas possible!


Tecumseh said...

This guy needs to chill out. But $11K fine and 6 months in the slammer for shooting his damn lawn mower? WTF is going on??

Pepe le Pew said...

it's cold in alaska this month ? Well that's al the proof i need to believe there is no such thing as global warming. eat your heart out, Al.

Tecumseh said...

Why should I eat my heart out? It's also damp and rather cold for this time of the year in Beantown. AlGore should eat his heart out, because the ton of money he's making (while burning 100 times more gas than I do) is based on his scare-mongering, which of course Party-line pinkos lap up more predictably than dogs in Pavlov's experiments.

Pepe le Pew said...

I didn't say AI, i said AL (gore). sarcastically. you know. never mind.

Tecumseh said...

Al looks like AI. At any rate, AlGore is a big fat idiot. The fact that lefties fall for his pap only tells you how infantile their level of understanding of anything involving reasoning skills is.