Tuesday, July 29, 2008

mac mingles with the common folks

Finally, there was the fact that Renee Gould, the young mother McCain had an extended chat with about the high price of tomatoes and milk, was not a random shopper, but an area resident funneled to the campaign by the local Republican Party.
[Add a pic of a BigMac, to spice things up. --AI]


Tecumseh said...

There is no argument from me on this: McCain is a lousy campaigner -- to the point of being dimwitted at times. Only JJ thinks he's a genius, while AA and MFT are more neutral on that score (from what I can tell). And, yes, Obama is much better at playing politics -- while pretending all along he transcends it, or something. So? This is not a question who's more with it (Obama would win in a landslide if that was the question on the ballot). It's a question of picking the guy who will do less damage (sigh...) -- and McCain is the man on that score.

Pepe le Pew said...

this depends entirely on what you consider damage to be.

Tecumseh said...

Like, snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory in Iraq, doubling taxes, and appointing out-and-out one-worlder socialists to the Supreme Court, just for starters. For all his warts and fuddy-duddy demeanor, at least McCain won't do that -- at least, I think he won't (you never quite know with politicians).

Tecumseh said...

Like, for example, this read my lips, no new taxes pledge of McCain, which I don't believe for a minute. But at least, he may feel a tad bad about it, and not go berserk. On the other hand, Obama has no such compunctions, he will tax and spend like a drunken sailor, with Pelosi and Reed printing money and handing out the dole.

Pepe le Pew said...

That is my point exactly: much of your "damage" is music to the ears of some. Matter of fact, to the ears of the majority of your compatriots as the next elections will likely show.

Tecumseh said...

The US of A is to the right of France, mon cher. If the French, who are the most pinko-lefties in the whole universe, voted against that Socialist broad (she still around?) and for that "right-wing" guy (actually, an oh-so-slightly-right-of-center politico), then why would those Ricains you so despise vote for an out-and-out lefty -- in fact, the left-most member of the Senate? On the French scale, he's surely to the left of François Hollande or Laurent Fabius, and that says something.

Pepe le Pew said...

AI - not everyone is as ideological as you are. People vote for people, not just for party affiliation. Segolene is an incompetent clown with no imagination or ambition to better things. Sarko appeared to be energetic and not afraid to kick the ant hill. So if anything ever was a no-brainer, that'd be it.
And so it goes with the US election.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, the all powerful Cult of Personality. Versailles hopes that Barack Obama will do for the USA what Juan Peron did for Argentina.

In the end, our future Yankee kiddies will be led to goggle at the embalmed "beauty" that is Michelle, just like Eva.

Cry a river.