Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obamania comes to NoDak

With Mac fast asleep at the wheel, MFT diggin' up God knows what in them vast plains, AA outta here, and JJ busily chasing mountain goats, is this any wonder?


Tecumseh said...

The unbearable lightness of Obama's speeches. Sweet nothings for Pepe's ears.

Tecumseh said...

The troops in Afghanistan seem more skeptical than the folks back home (or the Germans). One more take.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Ah, yes, it has even arrived to Teddy Roosevelt's Dakota: last week some Obama supporter (how she described herself) came around, office to office, asking for support. I politely told her that I wasn't interested, but good luck anyway. WTF was I supposed to say? I was trying to get something done for a client, and some politico was pressing me for opinions!?! Ah, oh well. Remember, in the end: All politics is loco.

Pepe le Pew said...

As long as right-wing GIs don't like Obama, you know he's doing something right.

Tecumseh said...

"Right wing GIs" -- on Pepe's Planet, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is "right wing". But no one is "left wing" -- eg, not Obama. Right, Pepe?

Pepe le Pew said...

no. Of course Obama is. But he's a long way from Karl Marx. You disliked so much the Bush=Hitler analogy that it is amazing to watch you replicate its mirror image.

Tecumseh said...

(1) Where did I say Obama=Marx? (2) Bush=Hitler is a patently vicious and baseless equation, routinely and shamelessly bandied about by the Left. (3) Marx was a philosopher and founder of Marxism (duhh...) It's common to talk about people being Marxists, or followers of various tenets of Marxism. -- it's what pinkos by and large do. This is not necessarily an insult -- many Lefties are proud of being Marxists, and even make a living (laughing all the way to the bank) spouting Marxist nonsense. (4) On the other hand, Hitler was no philosopher -- but rather, a man directly responsible for the murder of untold millions. Equating political opponents such as George Bush with Hitler -- as the Left routinely does, without batting an eyelid -- is extremely disgusting. (5) Saying that someone like Obama is a leftist (in the trail blazed by good ole Karlie) is just a statement of fact -- though you're welcome to debate this fact if you wish. But puhleease, no more of those bogus, red herring moral equivalencies, willya, mon cher Pepe?

Pepe le Pew said...

1. Here (or did you just mean to imply they look like they are just drinking buddies?)

Tecumseh said...

It was not I who created that magnet -- I just pointed to it after someone (who is Esther? Pepe in drag?) made fun of McCain as being ripe for a refrigerator magnet. At any rate, the way I interpret that button is that Obama has a clear affinity for Marxist ideology -- class warfare, soak the rich, rob Peter to pay Paul, primacy of an all-knowing elite (pinkos, that is) over the rest of society, Nanny State cradle-to-crave, cession of individual rights in favor of omnipotent State, etc, etc -- the whole shebang of Socialism as initiated circa 1848 by good ole Karlie. Find any substantive disagreement in that, Pepe? Whereas, I don't see what the equation Bush=Hitler has to do with reality. Care to explain in layman's terms?