Friday, November 13, 2009

Bet on the Anti-Pangloss


Tecumseh said...

Swell. Just swell. You were supposed to cheer me up, AA. This merciless, hard-as-steel piece just depressed me even further.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You were not to look at this until the spirits were fortified by a gander at MFT's miniskirted Babe. So the pill is now too bitter to be sugarcoated by even the sweetest of honeys? That's depressing as all heck, Tecumseh.
Hey, when do you get back to here? Looking forward to drink and grub giving space to cheer.

Mr roT said...

It was a real shock that Hussein and Holder woud go after aour and wrist - slap theirs, huh?

The USA elected a fifth-columnist.