Monday, November 09, 2009

From an Unlikely Source, A Clear Depiction

But Chris Mathews just gets thrillered into submission.

"Intimidation – that is, causing others to react with upset and fear – is a fundamental principle of mind control, fully capable of causing the victim's loyalties to shift toward the intimidator, whether a schoolyard bully, gang leader, child molester, hostage-taking bank robber or Islamic radical.

"Political correctness" – which is basically a low-grade Stockholm syndrome playing out on a broad societal stage – is actually a subtle form of brainwashing. Even establishment mouthpiece Newsweek, in its famous Dec. 24, 1990, cover story on the then-new phenomenon of political correctness on college campuses (titled "Thought Police") conceded this truth when it reported: "PC is, strictly speaking, a totalitarian philosophy."

Bottom line: We're intimidated, bullied, threatened, terrorized – and so we capitulate, not just in word and deed, but in thought. Get it?"


Arelcao Akleos said...

This CNN example is a beaut:
" bit later in the CNN interview:

ROBERTS: So you were acting like a soldier. You were acting heroically. We should point out that you're with the 20th Engineer Battalion and despite your best efforts and I guess the efforts of your comrades, as well, four members of the battalion were killed, 10 others were injured. And you were shot in the hip and you didn't realize it at the time?
Foster: I had realized it at first, but with that much adrenaline, you tend to forget things.

He's answering a question about being wounded, and ignoring it to help his comrades.

The CNN report this evening: (link in the Mudville post)

"I was sitting in about the second row back when the assailant stood up and yelled 'Allah Akbar' in Arabic and he opened fire," Foster, 21, said Monday on CNN's "American Morning."
Foster said he wasn't sure "Allahu Akbar" was exactly what Hasan said, noting that "with that much adrenaline, you tend to forget things."

Goebbels would sit back in admiration at this one

Tecumseh said...

Why do the news media always torture themselves and their readers with the most wildly improbable explanations in their attempts to avoid the obvious truth?

I mean, duhhh.