Friday, November 20, 2009

La République Poutinienne

Reset buttons galore.



Tecumseh said...

Aside: that Hermitage chief, William Browder, is the grandson of Earl Browder, the old commie boss from the 1930s. And the son of Felix Browder, and the nephew of the Bill Browder. A small world...

Mr roT said...

Fixed point guy?

Tecumseh said...

That was L.E.J. Brouwer, you topo-ignoramus you.

Tecumseh said...

Uh, oh. My default value is that you mix things up, so that's why I jumped to conclusions. Even a broken clock, etc.

Mr roT said...

Poor Tecs. In a swirling, tumbling, twisting topsy-turvy universe, he's the unique fixed point of wrong.

Tecumseh said...

Look back at my first post here. It's me who connected the dots between the Rooskie business and the Browder mathematicians. Not in a million years would you have thought of that. Powww!!

Mr roT said...

So the synopsis is this:

You google around, read Wikipedia, hit something by chance, I say something right without googling, you call me an idiot while being wrong, now you back up and call yourself a genius for knowing how to google and read Wiki.

and I am supposed to call you a genius.

OK, you're a genius.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, I knew right away, with >95% certainty, that this guy must be of the same Browder family as the other ones, without checking wiki (after all, I know those articles rather well, and I read Browder's book when you were in kindergarten). Just went to wiki to double-check. And, no need for googling for that.

Mr roT said...

Powww. Pay up.