Friday, November 20, 2009

Yet another study

1 comment:

Mr roT said...

Neat! A fun comment: Congratulations to Dr. Schultz et al on their millenium paper.Truly a Dutch treat and one that will garner world attention for them and the BMJ for all the right or wrong reasons.

But is the experimental design structure wanting? As with many of our own such personal research experiences on this same topic, Leonardo's volunteer was not subject to a 1.5 Tesla magnetic field, a force which perhaps could "boomerang" anyone's "22 cms". I am concerned the conclusions drawn may be "premature" and "phallatious". Further investigation may be warranted.

...and further down, the authors answer some (very interesting) questions. In their answers they cite a horrifying paper entitled (in Dutch, but easy to understand) Gianotten WL, Kirkerls WJ and Haensel SM. Seks na penis- en scrotumamputatie.

Take that and smoke it, AA!