Monday, January 18, 2010

Freedom of Belief is Heterosexist CounterRevolutionaryism, Komrads

"You poor American saps, did you really think you had a RIGHT to speak freely? We have been only been TOLERATING your having beliefs, never mind expressing 'em, and now Dose Times Are Kaput!"
From Da Bleu Book of Obamakles Da Magnificent Mincer


Arelcao Akleos said...

Just saw above that Rott had made fine use of Divus...Proctologistae Rex.
This is surely the first time in FCPs history that two posts in a row had good cause to call upon that label.

Tecumseh said...

You remember Pepe shrieking "he's shredding the Constitution!!"? (I forget why, but who can tell, it's all Pepean logic.) At any rate, when confronted with this bilge, I'm sure as hell he wouldn't see any Constitutional problem in banning private beliefs -- none whatsoever.

Tecumseh said...

Trying to explain Madison to a pinko is like trying to explain the Higgs boson to a Neanderthal. Though I'm being unfair to the knuckledragger.

Mr roT said...

You mean explaining a Higgs bundle to a QFT guy.