Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hu is Hitler, Puffs Peters

Bill Gates jumps into bed with Hu. Shocka.


Arelcao Akleos said...

The Googleflex: a unit of measure of the current of Nerd charge in cyberpolitics.
Not to be confused with the Yahoo, which is the quantity of shit which enters or leaves the cloaca of China in the Brown-nosing Motion.

Related terms:
The Witt, a measure of Geek Power.
Cyberia, the ultimate heatsink for all Geeks and Nerds who generate too much friction with China. It is understood to be kept at 4 degrees Kelvin.

Arelcao Akleos said...

MacroSquish didn't get to be Macro by upholding the honor of Geekdom. That's fo sho.

Mr roT said...

You talking about the HQ in Redmond?

Tecumseh said...

So hu's Chamberlain? And hu's Daladier?

Mr roT said...

Now just a goddamned minute!
No one has mentioned that this is the best title ever to grace the pages of FCP.