Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One, two, or three, Tecs?

You see? You can only put up three choices and they can't be so specific. You and VDH don't know from these things.


Mr roT said...

Douthat making the obvious argument. I hope Obama rejects it.

Tecumseh said...

Good article -- short and to the point. In this case, those 3 possibilities seem to be sufficient, and the guy sets them up well. On the other hand, VDH was talking about a much wider issue, so it seems appropriate to have a wider range of possible scenarios. Herr Rot, you're being too simplistic. Try nuance, once in a while, willya?

Tecumseh said...

You're right about Douthat. And I think his scenario is an elaboration on one of VDH's seven scenarios (was it #1 on his list?) -- but the one least likely to occur. Again, logically it makes sense, but what does Cartesian logic have to do with Pepean logic?

Mr roT said...

When it comes to winning an election, the Dems know how to do it.