Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There's Hope For Old Pork'nCheeses Yet

Well, not much


Tecumseh said...

Got a leg up on the yun'ones, AA.

Tecumseh said...

Take a clue from those old gizzers, Clarke and Pohl, who wrote a book bout FMT and the end of the world, way past their prime. In the meantime, Clarke kicked the bucket, but Pohl is still kicking, sort of. So cheer up, man, and think of how we can still kick das Rotter in the shins.

Tecumseh said...

More: The lecture Subramanian gives on the infinitude of primes is -- at best -- unclear. I might think that they simply did not explain it well, except that their clear misconceptions everywhere suggest to me instead that they don't understand this simple proof either. Also, their description of trapdoor codes completely misses the point, which is that given the number N that is a product of two very large primes it is possible to encrypt a message but not possible to decrypt the message unless the factors of the number are known. (They suggest that the encryption could be achieved by adding the number N to the signal...which would be silly because someone could then just subtract the same number to get the signal back!)

Gee... Maybe after all one should give up at some point.

Mr roT said...

If you're going to talk about science fiction, you should at least post a picture of a chick in a tight silver outfit for those of us that prefer regular fiction (i.e. porn).

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Got a leg up on the yun'ones, AA.......
Take a clue from those old gizzers......
So cheer up, man, and think of how we can still kick das Rotter in the shins."

Hope Lives!

"Gee... Maybe after all one should give up at some point."

Hope Dies!

All this Changey Hope stuff is giving me Whiplash.